[Vuejs]-How do i enable Text field on activating the switch?


Iโ€™m not familiar with vuetify, but if you could simply use the .model property of each project object as the switch v-model, you could make .enabled a computed property instead of a data property:

computed: {
    enabled() {
        return this.projects.some(project => project.model);


I believe you are trying to enable the input if one switch is on but have it disabled if all four switches are off.

The disabled property can be bound to a computed property that returns false if one of the switches is on and true if all four switches are off.

If this is a custom component, another options is to emit a custom event from the child component (v-switch) that emits whether the switch is on or off, and then call a method that sets a Boolean that you bind to :disabled.

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