[Fixed]-How can you dispatch on request method in Django URLpatterns?


The reason it’s done as a single view method is that you’re usually rendering some kind of page content as context for the form you’re about to submit.

Anyway, my reason for replying it this: from your sample URLConf there it looks like you’re building a REST webservice with Django — if this is the case, you might really benefit from using the rather good django-piston to automatically create your resources/collections. It uses class-based handlers that automatically redirect to the appropriate method (get-books, update-books, create-books in your case) based on the HTTP method in the request

UPDATE (four years later!) while django-piston still exists (and works), Django REST Framework is a much more sophisticated, documented and extended choice these days.


Standard Django doesn’t have any mechanism for differentiating request methods besides what you used in your second snippet:

if request.method == 'POST':

However, there are third-party apps and snippets that attempt to make method handling a little cleaner using class based views. See, for example, this snippet (found from this SO question about class views).

Personally I’m not so sure this is a good idea. The standard Django method is so… standard… that I think this introduces extra confusion and complexity where it really isn’t needed.

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