Instead of posting the entire ‘this.myForm’, just specify the fields you want to post in a new object.
submitForm() {
if (!this.$route.params.id) {
this.$store.dispatch('user/create', this.myForm)
} else {
this.$store.dispatch('user/update/', {
name: this.myForm.name,
email: this.myForm.email,
password: this.myForm.password
UPDATE: Following comments from OP, if you’re expecting more that ‘name’, ’email’, and ‘password’, you can just delete the properties you don’t want to send.
submitForm() {
if (!this.$route.params.id) {
this.$store.dispatch('user/create', this.myForm)
} else {
delete this.myForm.createdAt,
delete this.myForm.updatedAt,
delete this.myForm._id
this.$store.dispatch('user/update/', this.myForm)