[Vuejs]-How can I show (+10 more) if index is greater than value in VUEJS using v-for loop



as I mentioned in the comment. You can create computed properties like this example and loop just through that. Don’t loop all 100 + recipient if not needed … It might end up with 1000.

computed: {
  top10() {
    return this.recipient.slice(0, 10);
  rest() {
    return this.recipient.length - 10;


You can just includ a simple verification like:

<div v-for="(item, index) in recipient" class="app-splitter two-cols">

    <el-button v-if="index < 10"

That v-if will only allow the itens with index lower then 10 to render, i beleive that is what you want at first, but, if you want tha limit to change (like that click at +10 itens) then, create a variable starting at 10 like:

data() {
    return {
        limit: 10

Do you v-if look at it, so change to it:

v-if="index < limit"

And implement the logic so when the user click at “+10 itens” you incress the limit variable to 20, 30, 40…

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