A potential solution I found on GitHub.
To transform it to Vue, you have to define it as a function (for simplicity I am doing it in a Composition API script setup but it should be easy enough to convert to whatever you prefer) and create a ref for the editor:
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const quill = ref();
const limit = 256;
function checkLength(delta, old, source) {
if (quill.value.getQuill().getLength() <= limit) {
const { ops } = delta.delta;
let updatedOps;
if (ops.length === 1) {
// text is inserted at the beginning
updatedOps = [{ delete: ops[0].insert.length }];
} else {
// ops[0] == {retain: numberOfCharsBeforeInsertedText}
// ops[1] == {insert: "example"}
updatedOps = [ops[0], { delete: ops[1].insert.length }];
quill.value.getQuill().updateContents({ ops: updatedOps });
And add an event listener and the ref to the component:
<quill-editor ref="quill" @textChange="checkLength" :options="options" />
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