I think the canonical answer is: “Don’t”.
What you should probably do instead is unravel the thing in your view code, so it’s just a matter of iterating over (in|de)dents in the template. I think I’d do it by appending indents and dedents to a list while recursing through the tree and then sending that “travelogue” list to the template. (the template would then insert <li>
and </li>
from that list, creating the recursive structure with “understanding” it.)
I’m also pretty sure recursively including template files is really a wrong way to do it…
Using with
template tag, I could do tree/recursive list.
Sample code:
main template: assuming ‘all_root_elems’ is list of one or more root of tree
{%for node in all_root_elems %}
{%include "tree_view_template.html" %}
tree_view_template.html renders the nested ul
, li
and uses node
template variable as below:
<li> {{node.name}}
{%if node.has_childs %}
{%for ch in node.all_childs %}
{%with node=ch template_name="tree_view_template.html" %}
{%include template_name%}
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I’m too late.
All of you use so much unnecessary with tags, this is how I do recursive:
In the “main” template:
<!-- lets say that menu_list is already defined -->
{% include "menu.html" %}
Then in menu.html
{% for menu in menu_list %}
{{ menu.name }}
{% if menu.submenus|length %}
{% include "menu.html" with menu_list=menu.submenus %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
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this might be way more than you need, but there is a django module called ‘mptt’ – this stores a hierarchical tree structure in an sql database, and includes templates for display in the view code. you might be able to find something useful there.
here’s the link : django-mptt
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Yes, you can do it. It’s a little trick,
passing the filename to {% include %} as a variable:
{% with template_name="file/to_include.html" %}
{% include template_name %}
{% endwith %}
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Django has a built in template helper for this exact scenario:
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I had the same problem and I wrote a template tag. I know there are other tags like this out there but I needed to learn to make custom tags anyway I think it turned out pretty well.
Read the docstring for usage instructions.
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Does no one like dicts ? I might be missing something here but it would seem the most natural way to setup menus. Using keys as entries and values as links pop it in a DIV/NAV and away you go !
From your base
# Base.html
{% with dict=contents template="treedict.html" %}
{% include template %}
{% endwith %}
call this
# TreeDict.html
{% for key,val in dict.items %}
{% if val.items %}
<li>{{ key }}</li>
{%with dict=val template="treedict.html" %}
{%include template%}
{% else %}
<li><a href="{{ val }}">{{ key }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
It haven’t tried the default or the ordered yet perhaps you have ?
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correct this:
{% extends 'students/base.html' %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load static from staticfiles %}
{% block content %}
{% for comment in comments %}
{% if not comment.parent %} ## add this ligic
{% include "comment/tree_comment.html" %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
<li>{{ comment.text }}
{%if comment.children %}
{% for ch in comment.children.get_queryset %} # related_name in model
{% with comment=ch template_name="comment/tree_comment.html" %}
{% include template_name %}
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
for example – model:
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
# Create your models here.
class Comment(models.Model):
class Meta(object):
verbose_name = _('Comment')
verbose_name_plural = _('Comments')
parent = models.ForeignKey(
text = models.TextField(
help_text=_('Please, your Comment'),
public_date = models.DateTimeField(
correct_date = models.DateTimeField(
author = models.ForeignKey(User)
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I had a similar issue, however I had first implemented the solution using JavaScript, and just afterwards considered how I would have done the same thing in django templates.
I used the serializer utility to turn a list off models into json, and used the json data as a basis for my hierarchy.
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