the problem is inside your views.py.you can call allusername = allusername.filter(Q(nextstatus__icontains='Technical Investigation'))
before calling Padignator
after making all other logic and sorting try it.
def investigation(request):
search_post = request.GET.get('q')
# Code for the users to search for reception, partno, serialno, mconum, customername
if (search_post is not None) and search_post:
allusername = Photo.objects.filter(Q(reception__icontains=search_post) | Q(partno__icontains=search_post) | Q(
Customername__icontains=search_post) | Q(mcoNum__icontains=search_post) | Q(
if not allusername:
allusername = Photo.objects.all().order_by("-Datetime")
allusername = Photo.objects.all().order_by("-Datetime")
# Sort BY:
part = request.GET.get('sortType')
valid_sort = ["partno", "serialno", "Customername", "mcoNum"] # Sort the workshop data in ascending order acording to the part number, serial number, customer name and the MCO Number
if (part is not None) and part in valid_sort:
allusername = allusername.order_by(part)
page = request.GET.get('page')
allusername = allusername.filter(Q(nextstatus__icontains='Technical Investigation')) # new
paginator = Paginator(allusername, 10) # 1 page will only show 10 data, if more than 10 data it will move it to the next page.
allusername = paginator.page(page)
except PageNotAnInteger:
allusername = paginator.page(1)
except EmptyPage:
allusername = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
context = {'allusername': allusername, 'query': search_post, 'order_by': part}
return render(request, 'workshop/investigation.html', context)