Instead of copying you should mount volumes directly to the folder where you run the code on your docker image. In that way your code changes will be reflected in your app.
Example in docker-compose.yml:
- "local_source_destination:/server_source_destination"
In your frontend docker-compose-yml you have:
- '.:/frontend/app'
but in your Dockerfile your have
COPY . /app/
So it seems like your are mixing up where to mount your volume. Make sure ‘.’ is where your root of your code folder is or change it accordingly.
Try something like:
- '.:/app'
As that seems to be the location your server wants your code to be.
If your code is correctly mounted to the right destination it might be that you are not running your watch script from inside the docker container. Try running:
docker exec -itw source_destination_in_container your_container_name command_to_run_watch