I think the answer to your question could , you don’t have setuptools installed?
I think setuptools is an extension for the python library
You can install it using this link
I’d recommend using virtualenv to keep things clean and simple.
Once you’ve got that running, installin django-shop should just be the case of:
pip install django-shop
Check also requirements files for pip.
- [Answer]-How do i get user profile in django 1.7
- [Answer]-Django – get values from a self-defined object
Every time you installed an app try to search for their documentation, it will answer your problem.
Documentation for django-shop:
- [Answer]-Django. Check if its another day
- [Answer]-Django CMS default installation
- [Answer]-Error: Template Does Not Exist
- [Answer]-Associate a form with every item in a list
- [Answer]-'dict' object has no attribute 'save' POST doesn't work