If you are willing to waive the requirement that {% include %}
statements are needed, you can do things by hand if you try something like this in your view…
def view(request, id):
theme = get_object_or_404(Theme, pk=id)
original_context = RequestContext(request)
page_context = Context({
'db_head': Template(theme.head_template).render(original_context),
'db_body': Template(theme.body_template).render(original_context)
page = Template(theme.page_template)
return HttpResponse(page.render(page_context))
…With a ‘template’ like this:
{{ db_head }}
{{ db_body }}
This pattern can work for more deeply nested elements as well provided you build the lowest level templates first. You can include existing templates via render_to_string
, but you can still run into problems if you ever want to include something within a loop context.
A bit kludgy, and not exactly what you’re looking for, but it will work.