When you have sql query, that is hard to write using orm – you can use postgresql views. Not sure about mysql. In this case you will have:
Raw SQL like:
CREATE VIEW photo_urls AS
photo.id, --pseudo primary key for django mapper
Gallery.id as gallery_id,
PhotoSize.PhotoURL as photo_url
From PhotoSize
Inner Join Photo On Photo.id = PhotoSize.Photo_id
Inner Join GalleryPhoto On GalleryPhoto.Photo_id = Photo.id
Inner Join Gallery On Gallery.id = GalleryPhoto.Gallery_id
Order By GalleryPhoto.Order Asc
Django model like:
class PhotoUrls(models.Model):
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'photo_urls'
gallery_id = models.IntegerField()
photo_url = models.CharField()
ORM Queryset like:
Hope it will help.
Django has some built in functions that will clean up the way your code looks. It will result in subqueries, so I guess it depends on performance. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/querysets/#django.db.models.query.QuerySet.values
gallery_photos = GalleryPhoto.objects.filter(Gallery=gallery).values('Photo_id', 'Order')
photo_queryset = PhotoSize.objects.selected_related('Photo', 'PhotoSizing').filter(
Photo__id__in=gallery_photos.values_list('Photo_id', flat=True))
calling list()
will instantly evaluate the queryset, this might affect performance if you have a lot of data.
Additionally, there should be a rather easy way to get rid of if gallery_photo[0] == photo.Photo.id:
This seems like it can be easily resolved with another query, getting gallery_photos for all photos.
- [Django]-Remove the decimal part of a floating-point number in django?
- [Django]-Get url kwargs in class based views
You can retrieve all data with a single query, and get a list of data dictionaries. Then you can manage this dictionary or create a new one to form your final dictionary… You can use reverse relations in filtering and selecting specific rows from a table… So:
be your selected Galery…
GalleryPhoto.objexts.filter(Galery=x).values('Order', 'Photo__GUID', 'Photo__Photo__PhotoURL', 'Photo__Photo__PhotoSizing__SizeName', 'Photo__Photo__PhotoSizing__Width', 'Photo__Photo__PhotoSizing__Height', 'Photo__Photo__PhotoSizing__Type')
Using Photo__
will create an inner join
to Photo
table while Photo__Photo__
will create inner join
to PhotoSize
(via reverse relation) and Photo__Photo__PhotoSizing__
will inner join
to PhotoSizing
You get a list of dictionaries:
[{'Order':....,'GUID': ..., 'PhotoURL':....., 'SizeName':...., 'Width':...., 'Height':..., 'Type':...}, {'Order':....,'GUID': ..., 'PhotoURL':....., 'SizeName':...., 'Width':...., 'Height':..., 'Type':...},....]
You can select rows that you need and get all values as a list of dictionaries… Then you can Write a loop function or iterator to loop through this list and create a new dictionary whit grouping your data…