or you could try
import socket
With Django docs here, You can use:
domain = request.get_host()
# domain = 'localhost:8000'
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If you want to know exactly the IP address that the development server is started with, you can use sys.argv
for this. The Django development server uses the same trick internally to restart the development server with the same arguments
Start development server:
manage.py runserver
Get address in code:
if settings.DEBUG:
import sys
print sys.argv[-1]
This prints
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- [Django]-Django : Filter query based on custom function
- [Django]-No URL to redirect to. Either provide a url or define a get_absolute_url method on the Model
import re
import subprocess
def get_ip_machine():
process = subprocess.Popen(['ifconfig'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
ip_regex = re.compile('(((1?[0-9]{1,2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(25[0-5]))\.){3}((1?[0-9]{1,2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(25[0-5]))')
return ip_regex.search(process.stdout.read(), re.MULTILINE).group()
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- [Django]-Django BooleanField as radio buttons?
- [Django]-Django – how to unit test a post request using request.FILES