When you have list of items and you want to check the possible values from the list then you can’t use =
The sql query will be like SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE ids=[1, 3, 6, 7, 9]
which is not true. You have to use in
operator for this so you query will be like SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE ids in (1, 3, 6, 7, 9)
for that Django provide __in
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From the Django documentation:
{1: <Blog: Beatles Blog>}
Blog.objects.in_bulk([1, 2])
{1: <Blog: Beatles Blog>, 2: <Blog: Cheddar Talk>}
{1: <Blog: Beatles Blog>, 2: <Blog: Cheddar Talk>, 3: <Blog: Django Weblog>}
Blog.objects.in_bulk(['beatles_blog'], field_name='slug')
{'beatles_blog': <Blog: Beatles Blog>}
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You can do like this.
Blog.objects.filter(pk__in=[1, 4, 7])
But you should be careful. If just one element in the list is No-integer it doesn’t work.
For example this is an Exception.
Blog.objects.filter(pk__in=[1, 4, 'aa', 7])
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