[Vuejs]-How can i do a setter to fix computed propery problem – VueJS



When using Vuex, if your need to mutate any data on state arises then you absolutely need an action that calls a mutation to mutate state.

This is the most important use case of Vuex, to keep track of actions that mutates state

what you did is absolutely wrong.

To achieve your goal, you need two things.

  1. an action
  2. a mutation
action: {
// The first parameter is an object, so it be destructured
// for simple access
doSomething({ commit }, payload){
// commit a change by calling mutation, second parameter
// is the arguments you passed to your action
 commit('mutateData', payload)

mutations: {
mutateData(state, payload) {
// You can instead commit the argument
// I.e state.data = payload
  state.agregarPersonaDialog = !state.agregarPersonaDialog;

You can then dispatch your actions in any components

methods: {
this.$store.dispatch('doSomething', 'this is an arg');
// Note I passed an argument just for illustration
// in your case, you don't have to

Now your code should work


ti change the state you need 
 1. action
 2. Mutator

example in store.js
state: {
agregarPersonaDialog: false,

// value is data what you send from your componet

action: {

mutations: {
changeValue(state) {
  state.agregarPersonaDialog = !state.agregarPersonaDialog;

in your compoent create method

methods: {

try this!

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