[Vuejs]-How can I display desired/particular chart in App.vue from Charts.vue which contains different charts in Vuejs



You could probably use a prop and interpolate the id on the component.

Charts.vue (should be renamed to Chart.vue in this way I guess)

  <div class="chart-containr">
    <canvas :ref="`chart${chartId}`"></canvas>

export default {
  props: {
    chartId: {
      type: String,
      default: '',


  <div class="content-1">
    <charts chart-id="1"></charts>

  <div class="content-8">
    <charts chart-id="2"></charts>

There is maybe also a way with slots but props will be enough here.
Btw, you could even v-for and display the <charts> component programmaticaly.

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