An ENV var seems to the most obvious way of doing this. Either look for an ENV var that you know exists, or set your own:
on_heroku = False
if 'YOUR_ENV_VAR' in os.environ:
on_heroku = True
Similar to what Neil suggested, I would do the following:
debug = True
if 'SOME_ENV_VAR' in os.environ:
debug = False
I’ve seen some people use if 'PORT' in os.environ:
But the unfortunate thing is that the PORT variable is present when you run foreman start
locally, so there is no way to distinguish between local testing with foreman and deployment on Heroku.
I’d also recommend using one of the env vars that:
- Heroku has out of the box (rather than setting and checking for your own)
- is unlikely to be found in your local environment
At the date of posting, Heroku has the following environ variables:
I generally go with if 'DYNO' in os.environ:
, because it seems to be the most Heroku specific (who else would use the term dyno, right?).
And I also prefer to format it like an if-else statement because it’s more explicit:
if 'DYNO' in os.environ:
debug = False
debug = True
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First set the environment variable ON_HEROKU
on heroku:
$ heroku config:set ON_HEROKU=1
Then in settings.py
import os
# define if on heroku environment
ON_HEROKU = 'ON_HEROKU' in os.environ
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Read more about it here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/config-vars
My solution:
$ heroku config:set HEROKU=1
These environment variables are persistent – they will remain in place across deploys and app restarts – so unless you need to change values, you only need to set them once.
Then you can test its presence in your app.:
>>> 'HEROKU' in os.environ
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The most reliable way would be to set an environment variable as above.
If that’s not possible, there are a few signs you can look for in the filesystem, but they may not be / are not foolproof
Heroku instances all have the path
– the files and scripts that are running will be under this too, so you can check for the presence of the directory and/or that the scripts are being run from under it. -
There is an empty directory
may have some heroku related domains added
~ $ cat /etc/hosts
Any of these can and may change at any moment.
Your milage may vary
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environment variable
in_heroku = False
if 'DATABASE_URL' in os.environ:
in_heroku = True
I think you need to enable the database for your app with:
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
but it is free and likely what you are going to do anyways.
Heroku makes this environment variable available when running its apps, in particular for usage as:
import dj_database_url
if in_heroku:
DATABASES = {'default': dj_database_url.config()}
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),
Not foolproof as that variable might be defined locally, but convenient for simple cases.
heroku run env
might also show other possible variables like:
but I’m not sure if those are documented like DATABASE_URL
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Short version: check that the time zone is UTC/GMT:
if not 'ORIGINAL_TIMEZONE' in os.environ:
f = os.popen('date +%Z')
tz = f.read().upper()
tz = os.environ['ORIGINAL_TIMEZONE']
if tz != '' and (not 'utc' in tz.lower()) and (not 'gmt' in tz.lower()):
print 'Definitely not running on Heroku (or in production in general)'
print 'Assume that we are running on Heroku (or in production in general)'
This is more conservative than if tz=='UTC\n'
: if in doubt, assume that we are in production. Note that we are saving the timezone to an environment variable because settings.py
may be executed more than once. In fact, the development server executes it twice, and the second time the system timezone is already ‘UTC’ (or whatever is in settings.TIMEZONE
Long version:
making absolutely sure that we never run on Heroku with DEBUG=True
, and that we never run the development server on Heroku even with DEBUG=False
. From settings.py
RUNNING_DEV_SERVER = (len(sys.argv) > 1) and (sys.argv[1] == 'runserver')
# Detect the timezone
if not 'ORIGINAL_TIMEZONE' in os.environ:
f = os.popen('date +%Z')
tz = f.read().upper()
print ('DEBUG: %d, RUNNING_DEV_SERVER: %d, system timezone: %s ' % (DEBUG, RUNNING_DEV_SERVER, tz))
SECRET_KEY = os.environ['SECRET_KEY']
print 'Running in DEBUG MODE! Hope this is not in production!'
SECRET_KEY = 'DEBUG_INSECURE_SECRET_KEY_ae$kh(7b%$+a fcw_bdnzl#)$t88x7h2-p%eg_ei5m=w&2p-)1+'
# But what if we are idiots and are still somehow running with DEBUG=True in production?!
# 1. Make sure SECRET_KEY is not set
assert not SECRET_KEY in os.environ
# 2. Make sure the timezone is not UTC or GMT (indicating production)
tz = os.environ['ORIGINAL_TIMEZONE']
assert tz != '' and (not 'UTC' in tz) and (not 'GMT' in tz)
# 3. Look for environment variables suggesting we are in PROD
for key in os.environ:
for red_flag in ['heroku', 'amazon', 'aws', 'prod', 'gondor']:
assert not red_flag in key.lower()
assert not red_flag in os.environ[key].lower()
If you really want to run the development server on Heroku, I suggest you add an environment variable specifying the date when you can do that. Then only proceed if this date is today. This way you’ll have to change this variable before you begin development work, but if you forget to unset it, next day you will still be protected against accidentally running it in production. Of course, if you want to be super-conservative, you can also specify, say, a 1-hour window when exceptions apply.
Lastly, if you decided to adopt the approach suggested above, while you are at it, also install django-security, add djangosecurity
, and add to the end of your settings.py
### Security
CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY = True # May have problems with Ajax
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