{{ bool_var|yesno:"Agree,Disagree" }}
You can also provide an additional string for the None case. See the docs for yesno for details.
Any of the following may be tried with consistent results:
{% if form.my_bool.value %}
{{ "Yes" }}
{% else %}
{{ "No" }}
{% endif %}
{{ form.my_bool.value|yesno }}
{{ form.my_bool.value|yesno:"Yes,No" }}
{% if form.my_bool.value == True %} Yes {% else %} No {% endif %}
Or simply,
{{ form.my_bool.value }} # Here the output will be True or False, as the case may be.
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Just another way if you want to have more options like adding HTML elements and classes
{% if var == True %} Yes {% else %} No {% endif %}
You can change Yes and No to any html element; an image or span element
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If your models have been defined as
class mymodel(models.Model):
choices=((True, 'Agree'), (False,'Disagree'),(None,"Maybe"))
attr = models.BooleanField(choices=choices, blank=False, null=True)
You can use the built-in method to retrieve the "pretty" string associated with the value by in your template with
{{ object.get_attr_display }}
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