[Django]-How can I centralize URLs in Django templates?


Assuming your urls.py had an entry like this:

url(r'^course/(?P<course_id>\d+)/$', view_course, name='view_course')

You could have used the url template tag in your template:

<a href="{% url view_course course.id %}">Advanced Basketweaving</a>

Then when your client asked you to change the urls, you would have to make only one change in your urls.py.

url(r'^class/(?P<course_id>\d+)/$', view_course, name='view_course')

No change would be required in the templates.

Happy search and replacing — now you know for next time 😉


I believe the standard approach would be to use the url template tag:

{% url path.to.course_view 63 %}

…the main benefit being that you don’t need to hardcode URLs. So it’s a bit late now, but you might as well use the url tag this time around, just in case the client comes back tomorrow and wants them all to read /classes/class/63 – at which point you’ll only need to change the single URL pattern in your URLconf file.


Use sed (after committing to your version control). One search and replace over your whole directory.

Here’s a howto: http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html

You should probably also create a view which redirects the old-style urls to the new-style urls, in case of any bookmarks, or any links you missed.


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