[Vuejs]-How can I capture the data from a component input?


If I understand the problem correctly, the problem is how you’re using v-model on your NewIngredientInput component. It should bind to a single model, but you’re binding to multiple models (amount, unit_measure, name). Here is the simplified solution:

Change your NewIngredientInput in newrecipe page like this:

  :showRemoveButton="index > 0"


  <!-- Your existing template code -->

export default {
  props: {
    showRemoveButton: Boolean,
    value: { type: Object, required: true },
  data() {
    return { ingredient: { ...this.value } };
  watch: {
    ingredient: {
      handler() { this.$emit('update', this.ingredient); },
      deep: true
    value: {
      handler(newValue) { this.ingredient = { ...newValue }; },
      deep: true
  methods: {
    removeRow() { this.$emit("removeRow"); },

Hope this helps!

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