Add a method in your Vue component that creates the overlay and adds a no-scrollable class to body.
* Create the viewport overlay.
createOverlay() {
this.overlay = document.createElement('div')
this.overlay.className = 'overlay'
this.overlay.addEventListener('click', () => this.close())
* Close the Modal when overlay is clicked.
close() {
// Trigger Modal Close Here
this.overlay.removeEventListener('click', this.removeOverlay())
* Remove the overlay from the DOM.
removeOverlay() {
CSS Styling:
.overlay {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
height: 100%;
left: 0;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
z-index: 1040;
body.no-scrollable {
overflow: hidden;
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what you can do is to bind the class to make it dynamic like this:<h1 :class="{ active: hello }">Show</h1>
“active” is a class that you can style as you want and “hello” is just a property that you can set as false and then you can toggle, or just change to false in a button like this <button @click="hello = true">Hide title</button>
in case you want to toggle use <button @click="hello =! hello">Hide title</button>
`:class="{ active: hello }"` the way it works is that active is only going to be valid if the value you pass after the `:` is true.
here I left a link to sandbox.io so you can see an example:
- [Vuejs]-How to return value into the script of another Vue file? Or how to sent returned value into another Vue file?
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I figured out that I can use the root element instead of the body element!
I could fix the problem of scrolling the background of a modal like below:
<button @click="modalShow">Show Modal</button>
modalShow() {
// Trigger Modal Open Here
this.showModal = true;
close() {
// Trigger Modal Close Here
this.showModal = false;
for Css style:
.show-modal {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
overflow: hidden;
This fixed my problem. I hope it can help you guys too 🙂
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