[Fixed]-Hiding secret key in django project on github after uploading project



In the same directory where manage.py is, create a file whose name is .env, and put inside it:

SECRET_KEY = '....your secret key ....' # --- the one indicated in your settings.py, cut an paste it here

where SECRET_KEY = '....your secret key ....' is the one indicated in your settings.py.
So cut this line from your settings.py and paste it in the .env file.

In the same directory, create a file whose name is .gitignore, and put inside it:


Then in your settings.py, where previously you had SECRET_KEY = '....your secret key ....', put:

from decouple import config

SECRET_KEY = config("SECRET_KEY") # this is to replace the secret key you cut away before

then in your command prompts run:

pip install python-decouple
pip freeze > requirements.txt

then add, commit and push on Github.

Here you can find out more information on how .gitignore works.



  1. Create File => .env

  2. Cut this from settings.py =>

    SECRET_KEY = β€˜β€”β€“your secret keyβ€”β€“β€˜

  3. Paste in .env

  4. Write this in settings.py =>

    from decouple import config

    SECRET_KEY = config("SECRET_KEY")

  5. Write this in terminal or cmd =>

    pip install python-decouple

  6. Then write this in terminal or cmd =>

    pip freeze > requirements.txt

  7. Go in cPanel and upload File .env


Create a .env file in the root directory of your project. (Please refer to the snapshot below in case you have doubts)

.env file folder structure

Create a variable SECRET_KEY and enter its value by cut-pasting the value from SECRET_KEY in your project’s folder settings.py file

SECRET_KEY = '__VALUE_OF_SECRET_KEY__' #Value -> The value present in your settings.py

Navigate to the terminal and paste the below code:

pip install python-decouple

Import the below line to your settings.py

from decouple import config

Replace the value of SECRET_KEY with the below value:


Please refer to the snapshot below to get a clear idea of the same:

Settings.py final snapshot

πŸ‘€Deep joshi

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