You don’t give a lot of information about exactly where you are trying to run your sync db? Locally? Or up on Heroku? My answer is going to assume that it’s locally.
Basically, you need to have virtualenv install and pip. While working in your virtualenv (with it activated), you need to do a
pip install dj-database-url
Then you need to do a:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Getting up and going on Python+Django+Heroku is not a really hard thing to do… but, there are quite a few steps. If you are fuzzy, I recommend the Heroku Django tutorial.
- How to set "simple" password in Django 1.9
- How to make follower-following system with django model
- In Django, how can I prevent a "Save with update_fields did not affect any rows." error?
- How to delete first N items from queryset in django
- When trying set corsheaders in settings.py file