[Django]-Heroku django app createsuperuser


do not detach the heroku shell:

heroku run python manage.py createsuperuser

worked for me


after wasting entire day i got the answer

heroku run python manage.py syncdb

doesn’t run on institute or office lan to run this you must remove system proxy as well

 unset http_proxy
`unset https_proxy`

I hope this will help



heroku run python manage.py shell

And then create your superuser from there. Good luck!


More info please.
What DB are you using?
Have you set your local_settings.py?
Are you using Debian?

I use Postgres on Debian so I had to both apt-get install python-psycopg2 (otherwise you can’t use postgres) and pip install --user psycopg2 (otherwise pip freeze misses Postgres), then manually create a user and db. Replace USER with the username from your local_settings.py

sudo su - postgres
createuser USER -dPRs
createdb --owner USER  db.db

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