One of the changes in later versions of gunicorn includes not logging to stdout/stderr. Add the argument –log-file=XXX, then examine that log file for what port it’s running on.
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write this in your Procfile:
web: gunicorn hellodjango.wsgi --log-file -
it will log everything to the screen like this:
(your_virtualenv)[~/Projects/myproj]$ foreman start
17:03:57 web.1 | started with pid 79137
17:03:58 web.1 | 2014-10-16 17:03:58 [79137] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.0.0
17:03:58 web.1 | 2014-10-16 17:03:58 [79137] [INFO] Listening at: (79137)
17:03:58 web.1 | 2014-10-16 17:03:58 [79137] [INFO] Using worker: sync
17:03:58 web.1 | 2014-10-16 17:03:58 [79140] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 79140
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