Gpg: keyserver receive failed: cannot assign requested address

To format the answer as HTML content in a div, without the ``, `

`, and `` tags, you can use the following code:


The error message “gpg: keyserver receive failed: cannot assign requested address” occurs when the GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) program is unable to connect to the specified keyserver.

Possible causes:

  • The keyserver address or URL is incorrect.
  • Your network settings or firewall are preventing the connection.


  1. Make sure you have the correct keyserver address. You can try using a different keyserver or consult the documentation of the software you are using.
  2. Check your network settings and firewall configuration to ensure that the keyserver connection is allowed.


Let’s say you are trying to import a GPG key from a keyserver with the address “”. However, you receive the error message “gpg: keyserver receive failed: cannot assign requested address”. In this case, you could try to verify if the keyserver address is correct by pinging it from the command line. If the ping fails, it means there may be an issue with the server or your network configuration that prevents the connection.


This code represents the answer in HTML format, including the explanation of the error message and a possible solution. The example section demonstrates how you can apply the solution by verifying the keyserver address using the ping command. Finally, all the content is contained within a `

` tag, excluding the unnecessary ``, `

`, and `` tags.

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