[Answered ]-Goodreads API and Django



You can do something like this:

first_part = response_html.split("</style>")[0] + "</style>"
second_part = response_html.split("</style>")[1]

And then have both first_part and second_part available as template context variables

return render(request, "book.html", {
    "style_section": first_part,
    "content_section": second_part,
    "reviews_widget": reviews_widget,

Rendering as HTML rather than as string
You can use mark_safe to get it to display as rendered HTML in the template. Consider carefully if you’re able to do this as it could be a security risk if you don’t trust the source of the data (GoodReads is a pretty safe bet, but its worth considering depending on how watertight your application needs to be)

        {{ style_section|safe }}
        {{ content_section|safe }}

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