A great resource is www.djangopackages.com, which lists a lot of the notable Django apps out there, including links to their respective repos, popularity ratings, etc..
Another way to find popular projects is directly on GitHub: https://github.com/search?q=django
- Awesome Django @ https://github.com/wsvincent/awesome-django
- Awesome Python @ https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python
django-basic-apps is also a very good start to learn django and reusable apps. These apps are simple enough and code is well written.
- [Django]-Django error – matching query does not exist
- [Django]-Django Multiple Authentication Backend for one project
- [Django]-Where's my JSON data in my incoming Django request?
If you’re looking to learn the popular reusable app feature of Django I would suggest Pinax, and you also may want to look at Django-Mingus. I’m the author behind Mingus and I recently posted a list of the apps included in Mingus along with a description of how and why they are used. It maybe helpful in finding some projects you may want to use yourself. Here’s a link: “The apps that power Django-Mingus“
There’s also a ton of Django projects on Google Code, GitHub, and BitBucket. Just search for “django”.
Django-CMS, mentioned above, and Fein-CMS are both good CMS projects to dive into, and the screencasts by Eric are terrific – I absolutely suggest any noob to Django watch all 13 of those screencasts.
- [Django]-Django – How to rename a model field using South?
- [Django]-How to define two fields "unique" as couple
- [Django]-How does the get_or_create function in Django return two values?
One of the best for newbie: 13 screencasts “Django From the Ground Up” at This Week In Django#
#the website is closed. view archived page.
- [Django]-Using Pylint with Django
- [Django]-What is related_name used for?
- [Django]-Using the reserved word "class" as field name in Django and Django REST Framework
I asked Malcolm Tredinnick a few weeks ago if there was a project he admired and he suggested Django Packages. They keep their source on Github .
I wouldn’t say that it should be used as a Django tutorial but they have an admirable style of programming and I have picked up more than a few tips and tricks by reading their source. It is definitely a good example to learn from.
- [Django]-Images from ImageField in Django don't load in template
- [Django]-Detect mobile, tablet or Desktop on Django
- [Django]-Django datefield filter by weekday/weekend
I recommend Waka Waka. Its a very well written wiki, that should give you a good idea of how to develop in django. It is an application used by Pinax, which by itself should be huge, to learn.
You can also of course go through some of ubernostrum’s code like Registration, profiles and Contact Form, which are a standard in the django world. But as some of them involve dynamic forms, it may be best to get to it, after a little actual coding.
- [Django]-Django – Render the <label> of a single form field
- [Django]-How to tell if a task has already been queued in django-celery?
- [Django]-How to express a One-To-Many relationship in Django?
If you’re interested in running Django in App Engine, checkout out this project. Here’s a demo.
- [Django]-Django :How to integrate Django Rest framework in an existing application?
- [Django]-Django template how to look up a dictionary value with a variable
- [Django]-Django 2.0 – Not a valid view function or pattern name (Customizing Auth views)