You can write a custom formset.
from django.forms.formsets import BaseFormSet
class TagFormSet(BaseFormSet):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
applicants = kwargs.pop('applicants')
super(TagFormSet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
#after call to super, self.forms is populated with the forms
#associating first form with first applicant, second form with second applicant and so on
for index, form in enumerate(self.forms):
form.applicant = applicants[index]
Now you don’t need to override __init__
of TagsForm.
Now each of your form is associated with an applicant. So, you can remove the first line of your saveTags()
. So saveTags() become:
def saveTags(self):
#applicant was set on each form in the init of formset
Tag.update(self.applicant, tags)
Your view code:
applicantQuery = allApplicantsQuery.filter(**kwargs)
#notice we will use our custom formset now
#also you need to provide `extra` keyword argument so that formset will contain as many forms as the number of applicants
TagsFormSet = formset_factory(TagsForm, formset=TagFormSet, extra=applicantQuery.count())
if request.method == 'POST':
tags_formset = TagsFormSet(request.POST, request.FILES, prefix='tags', applicants=applicantQuery)
if tags_formset.is_valid()
for tagForm in tags_formset:
tags_formset = TagsFormSet(prefix='tags', applicants=applicantQuery)