For your questions:
- Yes, you can replace master branch with pipelineProject branch. First you should make pipelineProject branch to track origin/master, use
git checkout pipelineProject
andgit branch pipelineProject -u origin/master
, then delete local master branchgit branch –D master
, finally rename pipelineProject to mastergit branch -m pipelineProject master
- Yes, there has a reason for it. It’s caused by the local master branch is ahead of origin/master branch for remote (you can use
git status
to check), and you can view commits which are ahead of the origin/master, usegit log origin/master..master
. So for your situation you need to drop the “broken” commit, you can usegit reset --hard <commit id which you want go back>
(if you do’t willing to delete master branch)
Make sure your local & remote master are in same commit-sha
$ git checkout pipelineProject # go to your pipelineProject branch
$ git branch -D master # delete the local master branch
Then go to online and copy the master’s last commit sha
$ git checkout paste-commit-sha-here # go to the remote master's last commit
$ git checkout -b master # create & checkout local master branch
Replace local master with
and push to server$ git checkout pipelineProject # go to your pipelineProject branch
$ git branch -D master # delete the local master branch
$ git checkout -b master # create & checkout new local master
$ git push -f origin master # push to server forcely
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