I do not really know how Azure works, but I got this error when mixing 32 and 64 bit driver/python combo’s. Try using a x64 bit version of python and the driver.
The issue was my coworker who is publishing was using the 64 bit version of python in his environment. Simple enough but I appreciate the help.
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I cannot reproduce your issue, but I did a test with your packages and versions. And I used Visual Studio to publish the Django application to Azure Web Apps, it worked fine. Here are my steps for your reference:
1,Create an empty Web App and set up deployment from local Git repo
2,Create a Django application in Visual Studio, add Virtual Environment with python 3.4, then install python packages, here is the content in requirements.txt
3,Modify the database settings to MSSQL on Azure, press F5 to test on local
4,Right click Django application project name, click publish
to deploy
After finishing the deployment, it will automatically browse your application in default browser.