[Answered ]-Getting "TypeError: Object of type IFDRational is not JSON serializable" while trying to json.dumps EXIF info


When checking for type on each of the items you can see that some items in the dict are actually of type PIL.TiffImagePlugin.IFDRational.

for (k, v) in image_getexif.items():
    print(k, type(k))
    print(v, type(v))

This outputs:

296 <class 'int'>
2 <class 'int'>
34665 <class 'int'>
204 <class 'int'>
271 <class 'int'>
Apple <class 'str'>
272 <class 'int'>
iPhone 13 <class 'str'>
305 <class 'int'>
15.3.1 <class 'str'>
274 <class 'int'>
1 <class 'int'>
306 <class 'int'>
2022:03:04 17:35:15 <class 'str'>
282 <class 'int'>
72.0 <class 'PIL.TiffImagePlugin.IFDRational'>
283 <class 'int'>
72.0 <class 'PIL.TiffImagePlugin.IFDRational'>
316 <class 'int'>
iPhone 13 <class 'str'>
<class 'dict'>

Add these to the exclusions (or cast them to int if required) and you’re good to go.

if k in ExifTags.TAGS and type(v) not in [bytes, TiffImagePlugin.IFDRational]

Import the TiffImagePlugin from PIL:

from PIL import Image, ExifTags, TiffImagePlugin

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