[Answered ]-Getting ImportError: No module named azure.storage.blob when doing python manage.py syncdb


I had a similar issue. To alleviate that, I followed this discussion here: https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-python/issues/51#issuecomment-148151993

Basically, try pip install azure==0.11.1 before trying syncdb, and I’m confident it will work for you!


There is a thread similar with yours, please check my answer for the thread Unable to use azure SDK in Python.

Based on my experience, Python imports the third-party library packages from some library paths that you can check them thru codes import sys & sys.path in the python interpreter. So you can try to dynamically add the new path contains the installed azure packages into the sys.path in the Python runtime to solve the issue. For adding the new library path, you just code sys.path.append('<the new paths you want to add>') at the front of the code like import azure.

If the way has not helped, I suggest you can try to reinstall Python environment. On Ubuntu, you can use the command sudo apt-get remove python python-pip & sudo apt-get install python python-pip to reinstall Python 2.7 & pip 2.7.(Note: The current major Linux distributions use Python 2.7 as the system default version.)

If Python 3.4 as your runtime for Django, the apt package names for Ubuntu are python3 and python3-pip, and you can use sudo pip3 install azure for Python 3.4 on Ubuntu.

Any concern, please feel free to let me know.


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