Get_throttling_function_name: could not find match for multiple

The “get_throttling_function_name” query resulted in an error of “could not find match for multiple”. This error occurs when the query matches multiple functions and cannot determine which one to use. To resolve this issue, you need to provide more specific criteria or refine your query to ensure it only matches a single function.

Here is an example to illustrate the problem and solution:

      // Example functions
      // Function 1
      function get_throttling_function_name(arg1) {
        // Function implementation
      // Function 2
      function get_throttling_function_name(arg1, arg2) {
        // Function implementation
      // Query that results in an error
      // Potential solution - provide specific criteria
      function get_throttling_function_name_specific(arg1) {
        // Function implementation

In the above example, there are two functions with the same name “get_throttling_function_name”. When the query “get_throttling_function_name()” is executed, it throws an error because it matches both functions. To resolve this, you can create a new function “get_throttling_function_name_specific” that takes specific criteria as arguments. This way, the query can be refined to target the intended function without causing conflicts.

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