[Vuejs]-Get specific data from vuex store while using a route



First, by adding props: true to your route object, you can pass in the route parameters as props to your PhysicianProfile component

        path: '/physicians/profile/:firstName-:lastName-:designation',
        name: 'pd-profile',
        component: PhysicianProfile,
        props: true

Then you can add those three props to your PhysicianProfile component, and set up a Vuex getter to fetch the physician:

getters: {
  // ...
  getPhysicianByDetails: (state) => (firstName, lastName, designation) => {
    return state.physicians.find(phys => phys.firstName === firstName && phys.lastName === lastName && phys.designation === designation)

Check these out for further reading





You can pass props through the URL, in this case, the Physician ID. Then you can fetch the physician in the created lifecycle hook πŸ™‚

To make the explanation a bit easier I’ll add an id to your path (/physician/profile/id/firstName-lastName-designation). You can change the find method in the created hook to suite your needs πŸ™‚

// Router
     path: '/physicians/profile/:id/:firstName-:lastName-:designation',
     name: 'pd-profile',
     component: PhysicianProfile,
     props: true

You then need to set the props and fetch the physician in PhisicianProfile.vue:

    <div class="physician-profile">
        <h1 class="mb-5">{{ msg }}</h1>

    export default {
        name: 'pd-profile',
        props: {
            id: {
                required: true
            // rest of the props if needed
        data () {
            return {
                msg: 'Physician Profile',

        created () {
            // Fetch the physician with based on this.id
            const physician = this.$store.state.physicians.find((physician) => { return physician.id == this.id })
            // Do something with physician (set to data and use in template)

For more information about passing props, check out the vue router documentation πŸ™‚


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