[Django]-Generating PDFs from SVG input


Have you considered svglib?

It looks quite promising, especially as reportlab is the featured pdf tool in Django’s docs.

from svglib.svglib import svg2rlg
from reportlab.graphics import renderPDF

drawing = svg2rlg("file.svg")
renderPDF.drawToFile(drawing, "file.pdf")


Yes, I would also suggest using svglib and the reportlab library for this task although there is very little documentation of the svglib library. I would actually suggest doing the following in your Django view:

from svglib.svglib import SvgRenderer
from reportlab.graphics import renderPDF
import xml.dom.minidom
def export_svg(request):
    # Get data from client side via POST variables
    svg = request.POST.get("svg")
    doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(svg.encode( "utf-8" ))
    svg = doc.documentElement
    # Create new instance of SvgRenderer class
    svgRenderer = SvgRenderer()
    drawing = svgRenderer.finish()

    # Instead of outputting to a file, we simple return
    # the data and let the user download to their machine
    pdf = renderPDF.drawToString(drawing)
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf')

    # If one were to remove the 'attachment; ' from this line
    # it would simple invoke the browsers default PDF plugin
    response["Content-Disposition"]= "attachment; filename=converted.pdf"
    return response

This way you never need to save a temporary file on the server for the user to just download locally anyway. The svglib example that is given requires providing a path to a file… but why not just provide the file itself?

I have documented the steps I have taken using Django and the Raphael SVG library here.



My answer may help someone on macOS:

I user CairoSVG

Firstly, install it with:

pip install cairosvg

Then you can use it in Python:

>>> import cairosvg
>>> cairosvg.svg2pdf(url='image.svg', write_to='image.pdf')

from its documentation:

on macOS, you’ll have to install cairo and libffi (with Homebrew for example)


As these answers are all quite old, I would like to post a modern solution using CairoSVG

This works with Django views:

import cairosvg

def export_svg(request):
    # Get data from POST
    svg = request.POST.get("svg")
    pdf = cairosvg.svg2pdf(bytestring=svg.encode("utf-8"))

    # The pdf is now a bytestring that can be returned instead of saving to disk. 
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf')


You will need to add “import string” for version 0.6.3 to work with python 2.7.

you can use my frok until the pypy is updated.

pip install git+git://github.com/ddehghan/libsvg.git


I personally use pdfkit wrapper for Wkhtmltopdf.
I tested with your example of SVG and it does have opacity.

Though, to test – I’ve enclosed SVG file into HTML and then converted HTML to PDF.

You can give it a try on my server (which uses Wkhtmltopdf):

response = requests.post('',
                             'template': ('template.html', open('template.html', 'rb')),
                             'picture': ('template.svg', open('template.svg', 'rb'))

where template.html is an HTML file contained SVG with prefix {{image_path}}. For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<img src="{{image_path}}/template.svg">

and template.svg if the SVG file. The result I get is:

enter image description here

The code for pdfkit is quite simple:

import pdfkit

pdfkit.from_file('template.html', 'output.pdf')

Where template.html contains the embedded SVG.

Note that pdfkit is only a wrapper and Wkhtmltopdf app has to be installed on the machine. (BTW, on Windows it’s quite slow)

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