[Django]-Generalized Model in Django



Your code seems correct to me. I also worked on a generic class for my project and it was similar to this one. One remark, when you get a block, you should do some type checking to retrieve the class data so, I recommend you to add a field to store its type. e.g:

class Block(models.Model):
  title = models.CharField(max_length=50)
  type = models.IntegerField()# 1 for text, 2 for email and 3 for url
  #Make sure child classes have content defined!
  #content = models.BooleanField(default=False)
  owner = models.ForeignKey('User')
  access = models.ManytoManyField('User', null=True)
  links = models.ManytoManyField('self', null=True)

Then in your view:

def getblock(request, block, no):
  if block.type == 1:
    data = get_object_or_404(Block,id=no).text
  elif block.type == 2:
    data = get_object_or_404(Block,id=no).email
  elif block.type == 3:
    data = get_object_or_404(Block,id=no).url
  return render_to_response('single.html',{'data':data})

You can access the subclasses with lower case representation of that child class. I think that will work nicely. Also I don’t get the dictionary type arguments you wrote and that gave a syntax error when I executed. Anyway, I also corrected some of the syntax errors, too.

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