Futurewarning: the default dtype for empty series will be ‘object’ instead of ‘float64’ in a future version. specify a dtype explicitly to silence this warning.

The warning message “futurewarning: the default dtype for empty series will be ‘object’ instead
of ‘float64’ in a future version. specify a dtype explicitly to silence
this warning.” is displayed when an empty Series (a one-dimensional array-like object) is created
without explicitly specifying its data type.

In older versions of pandas, when an empty Series is created, the default data type is ‘float64’.
However, in future versions, the default data type for empty Series will be changed to ‘object’.
This is a warning message to inform users about the upcoming change and advise them to explicitly
specify the data type they want for empty Series to prevent any compatibility issues in the future.

To silence this warning, you can explicitly specify the desired data type for the empty Series
by using the ‘dtype’ parameter in the Series constructor. Here’s an example:

   import pandas as pd
   # Creating an empty Series without specifying dtype
   empty_series = pd.Series([])
   # Displaying the warning message
   # futurewarning: the default dtype for empty series will be 'object' instead 
   # of 'float64' in a future version. specify a dtype explicitly to silence this warning.
   # Creating an empty Series with explicit dtype as 'object'
   empty_series_explicit_dtype = pd.Series([], dtype='object')
   # No warning message is displayed

In the example above, the first line creates an empty Series without specifying the data type,
resulting in the warning message. This line is displaying the warning message.
The second line creates an empty Series by explicitly specifying the dtype as ‘object’,
silencing the warning. As a result, no warning message is displayed when this line is executed.

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