Function not implemented: ah00141: could not initialize random number generator

The error message “function not implemented: ah00141: could not initialize random number generator” is displayed when the Apache server is unable to initialize the random number generator (PRNG). This error typically occurs when the server is unable to find a suitable source of randomness to generate secure random numbers.

The PRNG is used by Apache for various purposes, such as creating session IDs, generating random strings, and supporting cryptographic operations. Without a properly initialized PRNG, these functions that rely on secure random numbers cannot operate correctly.

To resolve this issue, you can try the following solutions:

  1. Ensure OpenSSL is properly installed and configured: Apache relies on OpenSSL for generating random numbers. Make sure that OpenSSL is installed and configured correctly on your system.
  2. Check file permissions: Ensure that the user running the Apache server has the necessary permissions to access the required files and directories.
  3. Check SELinux/AppArmor settings: If you’re using SELinux or AppArmor, ensure that the necessary permissions are granted for the Apache server to access system resources.
  4. Restart Apache: After making any configuration changes, restart the Apache server to apply the changes.

Here’s an example of how the error message might appear:

[Sat Jun 12 15:30:02.123456 2021] [error] function not implemented: ah00141: could not initialize random number generator

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