That is one thing that has bugged me too quite a bit. This happens when you create a virtualenv without the --no-site-packages
There are a couple of things you can do:
- Create virtualenv with the
flag. - When installing apps, dont run
pip install <name>
directly, instead, add the library to yourrequirements.txt
first, and then install the requirements. This is slower but makes sure your requirements are updated. - Manually delete libraries you dont need. A rule of thumb i follow for this is to add whatever is there in my
, and database adapters. Most other required libraries will get installed automatically because of dependencies. I know its silly, but this is what I usually end up doing.
— Edit —
I’ve since written a couple of scripts to help manage this. The first runs pip freeze and adds the found library to a provided requirements file, the other, runs pip install, and then adds it to the requirements file.
function pipa() {
# Adds package to requirements file.
# Usage: pipa <package> <path to requirements file>
if [[ -z $requirements_file ]]
package_string=`pip freeze | grep -i $package_name`
current_requirements=`cat $requirements_file`
echo "$current_requirements\n$package_string" | LANG=C sort | uniq > $requirements_file
function pipia() {
# Installs package and adds to requirements file.
# Usage: pipia <package> <path to requirements file>
if [[ -z $requirements_file ]]
pip install $package_name
pipa $package_name $requirements_file
solves the problem. It generates project-level requirement.txt file.
- Install pipreqs:
pip install pipreqs
- Generate project-level requirement.txt file:
pipreqs /path/to/your/project/
requirements file would be saved in /path/to/your/project/requirements.txt
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If you care a lot about the cleanliness of your requirements.txt
you should not only use the --no-site-packages
option as already mentioned but also consider not to pipe the output of pip freeze
directly to your requirements.txt
. The reason for that is, that when doing a pip freeze
not only packages specified by yourself show up, but also dependencies installed by these packages! It isn’t necessary to keep them all in your requirements.txt
as they will get installed automatically with the package that requires them…
So if you add a new package to your virtualenv you probably should just add the line for this package to your requirements.txt
See this example:
(demo)[~]$ pip freeze
(demo)[~]$ pip install django-blog-zinnia
Downloading/unpacking django-blog-zinnia
Downloading django-blog-zinnia-0.9.tar.gz (523Kb): 523Kb downloaded
Running setup.py egg_info for package django-blog-zinnia
no previously-included directories found matching 'docs/api'
no previously-included directories found matching 'docs/build'
no previously-included directories found matching 'docs/coverage'
no previously-included directories found matching 'zinnia/media/zinnia/css/.sass-cache'
Downloading/unpacking BeautifulSoup>=3.2.0 (from django-blog-zinnia)
Downloading BeautifulSoup-3.2.1.tar.gz
Running setup.py egg_info for package BeautifulSoup
# truncated as it installs some more dependencies
Successfully installed django-blog-zinnia BeautifulSoup django-mptt django-tagging django-xmlrpc pyparsing
Cleaning up...
(demo)[~]$ pip freeze
(Though I should probably mentioned that in most cases it will not hurt that you have these dependencies there, just your file will grow and get harder to maintain.)
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You can use:
pip freeze –local > requirement.txt
so only the packages installed locally in your virtualenv are listed in requirements.txt
, not the globally-installed packages.
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- [Django]-How to specify the login_required redirect url in django?
- [Django]-How to revert the last migration?
pip3 freeze requirements.txt
then if you wanted to install all
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
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- [Django]-Django – Simple custom template tag example
- [Django]-Limit foreign key choices in select in an inline form in admin
It is bad to use pip freeze
to create the requirements file… You should manage your dependencies manually!
I’ve created a script to fix this issue (I’ve already been in dependency conflict hell).
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- [Django]-Django serializer inherit and extend fields