returns a form iterator, i.e. essentially a list of forms, it is not a form itself. cleaned_data
is only available on the form, so you have to iterate over formset2
for form in formset2:
form.cleaned_data # Here I am!
If someone need, here are the modifications I’ve done in the view:
ClinicalSet = formset_factory(Clinical, extra=tamanh)
#size of this list will determine number of forms
wrongs = iter(wrong)
formset = ClinicalSet(request.POST)
dic = {}
if formset.is_valid():
if len(request.POST.keys()) == 0:
return render_to_response('valid.html',
'formset': formset,
'wrongs': wrongs })
#+ 2 because of TOTAL_FORMS and MAX_NUM_FORMS
if len(request.POST.keys()) != len(wrongs) + 2:
msg = "You have to select something in all forms!!"
return render_to_response('valid.html',
'formset': formset,
'wrongs': wrongs,
'msg': msg })
for n in range(tamanh):
#result post into a dictionary, since cleaned_data doesn't work
dic[wrongs.next()] = request.POST['form-' + str(n) + '-cliform_name']
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('valid2', args=[word]))
formset = ClinicalSet()
return render_to_response('valid.html',
'formset': formset,
'wrongs': wrongs,
'msg': msg
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