You can still do
f = Student_Form(request.POST)
r = Reagent_Form(request.POST)
and django will assign the appropriate fields.
To hide the FK field,
class Student_Form(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Student
exclude = ('reagent', )
class Reagent_Form(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Reagent
While saving in the view,
def myview(request):
reagent_form = Reagent_Form(prefix='reagent')
student_form = Student_Form(prefix='student')
if request.POST:
reagent_form = Reagent_Form(request.POST, prefix='reagent')
student_form = Student_Form(request.POST, prefix='student')
if reagent_form.is_valid() and student_form.is_valid():
reagent = reagent_form.save() #first create the object
student = student_form.save(commit=False)
student.reagent = reagent #then assign to student.
#rest of the code.