I can’t think of a simple builtin way to do this. Here’s a custom filter I’ve sometimes found useful:
from django import template
from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter
register = template.Library()
def upto(value, delimiter=None):
return value.split(delimiter)[0]
upto.is_safe = True
Then you could just do
{{ date|timesince|upto:',' }}
Since the timesince filter doesn’t accept any arguments, you will have to manually strip off the hours from your date.
Here is a custom template filter you can use to strip off the minutes, seconds, and microseconds from your datetime object:
#this should be at the top of your custom template tags file
from django.template import Library, Node, TemplateSyntaxError
register = Library()
#custom template filter - place this in your custom template tags file
def only_hours(value):
Filter - removes the minutes, seconds, and milliseconds from a datetime
Example usage in template:
{{ my_datetime|only_hours|timesince }}
This would show the hours in my_datetime without showing the minutes or seconds.
#replace returns a new object instead of modifying in place
return value.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
If you haven’t used a custom template filter or tag before, you will need to create a directory in your django application (i.e. at the same level as models.py and views.py) called templatetags
, and create a file inside it called __init__.py
(this makes a standard python module).
Then, create a python source file inside it, for example my_tags.py
, and paste the sample code above into it. Inside your view, use {% load my_tags %}
to get Django to load your tags, and then you can use the above filter as shown in the documentation above.
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Well, you can make use of JS here. You need to add a script that splits the first and second units and then displays only the first one.
Say the part of your template looks like this:
<your_tag id="your_tag_id">{{date|timesince}}</your_tag>
Now, add the below script to your template.
let timesince = document.getElementById("your_tag_id").innerHTML.split(",");
document.getElementById("your_tag_id").innerHTML = timesince[0];
A quick and dirty way:
Change the django source file $PYTHON_PATH/django/utils/timesince.py @line51(django1.7) :
result = avoid_wrapping(name % count)
return result #add this line let timesince return here
if i + 1 < len(TIMESINCE_CHUNKS):
# Now get the second item
seconds2, name2 = TIMESINCE_CHUNKS[i + 1]
count2 = (since - (seconds * count)) // seconds2
if count2 != 0:
result += ugettext(', ') + avoid_wrapping(name2 % count2)
return result
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