Forkjoin deprecated

The forkJoin operator in RxJS is used to combine multiple observables and wait for all of them to complete before emitting a single value. It returns an array of the latest values emitted by the source observables. However, in the latest versions of RxJS, the forkJoin operator has been deprecated and replaced by the forkJoin function.

Here’s an example of how to use the forkJoin function:

import { forkJoin, of } from 'rxjs';

const observable1 = of('Hello');
const observable2 = of('World');
const observable3 = of('!');

forkJoin([observable1, observable2, observable3]).subscribe(([value1, value2, value3]) => {
  console.log(value1 + ' ' + value2 + value3);

In this example, we have three observables: observable1, observable2, and observable3. Each observable emits a single value. We pass an array of these observables to the forkJoin function, which waits for all observables to complete and then emits an array containing the latest values emitted by each observable. In the subscribe callback, we destructure the array to obtain the individual values and log the concatenated result.

It’s important to note that if any of the observables passed to forkJoin throws an error, the whole combined observable will also throw an error immediately. If you need to handle errors individually or continue emitting values even if some observables error, you can use the catchError operator on each individual observable before passing them to forkJoin.

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