Check if you are using Django 4.0. I was using 3.2 and had this break for the upgrade to 4.0.
If you are on 4.0, this was my fix. Add this line to your settings.py
. This was not required when I was using 3.2 and now I can’t POST a form containing a CSRF without it.
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ['https://*.mydomain.com','https://*.']
Review this line for any changes needed, for example if you need to swap out https
for http
Root cause is the addition of origin header checking in 4.0.
Changed in Django 4.0:
Origin header checking isn’t performed in older versions.
Mar, 2022 Update:
If your django version is "4.x.x":
python -m django --version
// 4.x.x
Then, if the error is as shown below:
Origin checking failed – https://example.com does not
match any trusted origins.
Add this code to "settings.py":
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ['https://example.com']
In your case, you got this error:
Origin checking failed – https://praktikum6.jhoncena.repl.co does not
match any trusted origins.
So, you need to add this code to your "settings.py":
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ['https://praktikum6.jhoncena.repl.co']
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Origin and host are the same domain
If, like me, you are getting this error when the origin and the host are the same domain.
It could be because:
- You are serving your django app over HTTPS,
- Your django app is behind a proxy e.g. Nginx,
- You have forgotten to set SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER in your
and/or - You have forgotten to set the header in your server configuration e.g.
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
for Nginx.
In this case:
- The origin header from the client’s browser will be
due to 1. request.is_secure()
is returningFalse
due to 2, 3 and 4.- Meaning
because of line 285 of django.middleware.csrf (comparison ofhttps://www.example.com
def _origin_verified(self, request):
request_origin = request.META["HTTP_ORIGIN"]
good_host = request.get_host()
except DisallowedHost:
good_origin = "%s://%s" % (
"https" if request.is_secure() else "http",
if request_origin == good_origin:
return True
Make sure you read the warning in https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/ref/settings/#secure-proxy-ssl-header before changing this setting though!
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You can also have this error because you are using a container on Proxmox.
If your https domain name is routed by Proxmox via an internal http connection you will have this error.
DOMAIN NAME (https) => Proxmox => (http) => Container with Django : CSRF ERROR
I had this error, and change the routing via Proxmox to my container via an https internal connection (I had to create and sign a certificate on my CT).
DOMAIN NAME (hhtps) => Proxmox => (https) => Container with Django
Since the CSRF error on Django disappeared.
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