[Django]-For what purpose Django is used for?



No. It’s not for making websites. Your sample just sounds like you want plain old HTML.

Django is for creating web applications. That is, software, normally backed by a database, that includes some kind of interactivity, that operates through a browser. A Framework provides a structure and common methods for making this kind of software.


Django can be used to create dynamic high-security web applications. For creating a static website like the one you asked, HTML is enough.

Tutorial for creating a django application can be found here.


I think what you’re looking for is a very simple CMS (Content Management System), there are many of those available in all kinds of languages/frameworks. Django has django-cms and mezzanine (among others).

What django is really awesome at is building dynamic websites really fast, you don’t need to worry about most things, you just define your data model and off you go (almost). If you want to have a better insight into what’s possible, have a look at the django tutorial (under “First Steps”), it gives you a good introduction to django and how to build websites using it.

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