For “-t, –tag” flag: invalid reference format


The error message “-t, –tag” flag: invalid reference format signifies that the reference format used with the “-t” or “–tag” flag is incorrect. It usually occurs when the specified reference format is not recognized by the system.

To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the reference format is in the correct format and follows the requirements set by the system or application you are working with.


Let’s assume you are using a command-line tool that requires a reference format to be specified with the “-t” or “–tag” flag. The correct format for reference might be something like:

-t tag_name

Where “tag_name” represents the actual name of the tag you want to use as a reference.

If you incorrectly specify the reference format, such as:




The system will not recognize the reference format and throw the error message “-t, –tag” flag: invalid reference format.

To fix this, you need to ensure that you provide the reference format in the correct format as expected by the system or application. In this case, you should use:

-t tag_name

Make sure to replace “tag_name” with the actual name of the tag you want to use.

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