You need to specify rtl option where you bootstrap vuetify (in vuetify constructor options). Labels will automatically appear on right side.
new Vuetify({
rtl: true,
// other options
You can update rtl option dynamically in vue component like this
this.$vuetify.rtl = true // or false
In Vue js 3 or Nuxtjs 3: The following example demonstrates how to force RTL for a specific section of your content, without switching the current language, by using the v-locale-provider
<v-card>...</v-card> <!-- default locale used here -->
<v-locale-provider rtl>
<v-card>...<v-card> <!-- default locale used here, but with RTL active -->
For example:
<v-locale-provider rtl>
<v-text-field v-model="username" label="نام کاربری" />