Flutter wifi direct

Flutter Wifi Direct

Flutter Wifi Direct is a Flutter package that allows you to establish a peer-to-peer connection between devices using WiFi Direct. This enables you to quickly share data, files, or establish communication channels between nearby devices without the need for an internet connection.

To use Wifi Direct in your Flutter app, you need to add the wifi_direct package as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

  wifi_direct: ^0.1.4

Once you have added the package, you can import it into your Dart file and start using the Wifi Direct features. Here’s an example of how to initiate a Wifi Direct connection:

import 'package:wifi_direct/wifi_direct.dart';

void initiateWifiDirectConnection() async {
  WifiDirectConnection connection = WifiDirectConnection();
  // Check if WiFi Direct is supported on the device
  bool isSupported = await connection.isWifiDirectSupported();
  if (isSupported) {
    // Enable WiFi Direct
    await connection.enableWifiDirect();

    // Start searching for available peers

    // Listen for discovered peers
    connection.onPeersDiscovered.listen((peers) {
      // Handle discovered peers
      for (var peer in peers) {
        print('Discovered Peer: ${peer.deviceName}');

    // Connect to a peer
    bool isConnected = await connection.connectToPeer("peerDeviceId");
    if (isConnected) {
      // Connection established; perform desired actions with the connected peer
    } else {
      // Failed to connect to the peer

    // Disconnection

    // Disable WiFi Direct
    await connection.disableWifiDirect();
  } else {
    // WiFi Direct is not supported on the device

The code above demonstrates the basic steps involved in establishing a Wifi Direct connection. It checks if Wifi Direct is supported on the device, enables Wifi Direct, starts the discovery process to search for available peers, connects to a specific peer using their device ID, performs actions with the connected peer if the connection is successful, and finally disconnects and disables Wifi Direct.

It’s important to handle events and error conditions appropriately in your own application. The Wifi Direct package provides several other methods and events to manage connections, cancel discovery, and handle errors. Please refer to the package documentation for more advanced usage and information.

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