Flutter uint8list to file

Converting Flutter Uint8List to File

In Flutter, when you want to convert a Uint8List object to a File object, you can use the following steps:

  1. Import the ‘dart:io’ package:
            import 'dart:io';
  3. Create a function that takes in a Uint8List and a filename as parameters:
            File uint8ListToFile(Uint8List uint8list, String filename) {
              final tempDir = Directory.systemTemp;
              final file = File('${tempDir.path}/$filename');
              return file;

    The function above creates a temporary File object in the system’s temporary directory, writes the bytes from the Uint8List to the file, and then returns the File object.

  5. Call the function by passing in your Uint8List and desired filename:
            Uint8List myUint8List = ...; // Your Uint8List object
            File convertedFile = uint8ListToFile(myUint8List, 'myFile.txt');

    Now, ‘convertedFile’ will hold the File object with the Uint8List contents.

    Here’s an example with some dummy data:

            import 'dart:typed_data';
            import 'dart:io';
            void main() {
              Uint8List myUint8List = Uint8List.fromList([72, 101, 108, 108, 111]);
              File convertedFile = uint8ListToFile(myUint8List, 'myFile.txt');
              print(convertedFile.path); // Prints the path of the created file

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