Flutter svg to png


Flutter SVG to PNG

To convert an SVG image to PNG in Flutter, you can use the flutter_svg and image packages. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Import the required packages in your Flutter project’s pubspec.yaml file:

      flutter_svg: ^1.0.0
      image: ^3.0.2
  2. Run flutter pub get to fetch the dependencies.
  3. In your Dart file, import the necessary libraries:

    import 'package:flutter_svg/flutter_svg.dart' as svg;
    import 'package:image/image.dart' as img;
  4. Read and decode the SVG file:

    final svgString = await svg.rootBundle.loadString('assets/image.svg');
    final svgDecoder = svg.SvgDecoder();
    final svgImage = svgDecoder.decodeSvgString(svgString);
  5. Convert the SVG image to a PNG image:

    final pngImage = img.encodePng(img.copyCrop(svgImage, x, y, width, height));

    Replace x, y, width, height with the desired values for cropping the image if needed.

  6. Save the PNG image to a file or use it as per your requirement:

    final outputFile = File('path_to_save/output.png');

This is a basic example of converting an SVG image to a PNG format. Make sure to provide the correct path to your SVG file and handle any exceptions that may occur during the conversion process. You can customize the conversion process based on your specific requirements.


Here is an example HTML content in a div without body & html tags, explaining how to convert an SVG image to PNG in Flutter using the `flutter_svg` and `image` packages. The steps and code snippets are included for a detailed understanding.

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